Why Do Some Employees Respond with Violence?

Why Do Some Employees Respond with Violence?

Violence in the Workplace

There are many reasons why an employee may result to violence in the workplace... loss of work, perceived injustice... The key to preventing an event is to have open communication and encourage employees to report violent (or potentially violent) situations.

This training program has been discontinued. We suggest you take a look at the following program:

The 3-OUT Approach to Workplace Safety

The 3-OUT Approach to Workplace Safety

Using the 3-OUT Model for Workplace Intruders

Being prepared begins with…accepting the reality that today’s world demands us to be ready for the unexpected. AND… changing the way YOU see your environment. This module covers the principles & techniques of the “3-OUT” model (GET OUT | LOCK OUT | TAKE OUT) and how you can be prepared for potential violence in your workplace.

Type: Off-The-Shelf Video Program (ILT)

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